A solid content marketing strategy is essential to generating revenue and growing your business. While starting a blog and building social media presence can help, having a more focused strategy to get your content in front of customers is important. A well-crafted email newsletter is an effective tool to help connect with your customers, build credibility, and boost your content marketing strategy.
Email newsletters are a time-tested content strategy that actually works. According to The New York Times, visitors are twice as likely to convert to paid subscribers after subscribing to a newsletter first. Publishing email newsletters can also retain and re-engage your target audience. When Canada’s Globe and Mail emailed subscribers who were likely to churn, its retention rate increased by 140%.
Table of Contents
Getting More People to Read Your Newsletter
The first step to getting more people to read your email newsletter is to create a catchy email subject line. It’s the only thing that’s likely to make your newsletter grab your readers’ attention before it’s opened. Make the newsletter stand out by creating a sense of urgency and by maintaining some sense of mystery. Taking into account your audience’s pain points and motivations can help you create a clever and interest-inducing subject line.
When writing the newsletter, keep your design and copy short and concise. To avoid clutter, figure out the type of newsletter you want to publish. Do you go for product news or blog posts? Consider reading a successful newsletter to give you an idea as to what works and what doesn’t.
Catching the Reader’s Eye
Do you want your potential customers to read the entire newsletter? Add a GIF to catch their attention. Don’t forget to add personality and flair to pique their interest and make them want to know more about what product or service you’re selling. You can also transform attractive videos into GIFs by using a video-to-GIF maker. It allows you to trim your video to let you share the exact moment you want to capture in the GIF.
Exploiting Data Visualization for Your Content
Data visualization is the practice of displaying information in visual forms, such as graphs, maps, and charts. It translates complex information into simple and understandable visuals. You can avoid clutter by implementing data visualization for your content. For example, you can use an interactive map to help readers better understand the data instead of explaining housing trends in long paragraphs.
Hiring Experienced Freelancers
Publishing an email newsletter lets you share important product information with your customers and foster a relationship with your target audience. It’s crucial that you make it engaging and informative to retain more readers. You can do this by hiring an experienced freelancer through a recruitment agency that may be able to provide you with a list of talented professionals to review. By working with a recruitment agency, you can find vetted talent worldwide that specializes in the design, marketing, and technology.
Start Publishing a Catchy and Enticing Email Newsletter
Use the tips above to help craft an effective email newsletter that potential customers can’t say no to. Don’t forget to use GIFs in your newsletters and hire the right freelancers. Check out Techutilize for tips on growing your business.